Becoming Mother's 5 lesson Pregnancy Yoga course will take you on a journey of Yoga and Mindfulness specially adapted for your pregnancy. Featuring 5 x 45 minute dynamic pregnancy yoga classes and 5 stand-alone mindfulness meditations this programme is designed to accompany you through your pregnancy  journey from 14 weeks to the birth of your baby. 

Each lesson is designed with enough instruction and guidance for an absolute beginner and enough movement, birth education and richness for the more experienced practitioner to enjoy and benefit from. The 5 classes  are  designed to grow with your pregnancy - the more dynamic lessons being classes 1-3 whilst the later classes feature more birthing movements, pelvic awareness exercises and birthing positions within the pregnancy yoga flow.

These classes were created by Nadia during her last pregnancy. They are safe, accessible and effective for all stages of pregnancy - guidance and modifications are offered during the classes for those suffering from PGP, High/Low Blood Pressure and other common pregnancy complaints. 

Each class offers  a full mixed range of movement practices designed to support, strengthen and mobilise the body and breath work to calm your mind and balance your emotions. 

The Course contains the following classes:

Practice 1: Flowing with the Breath

Establishing the practice of moving the body in harmony with the natural rhythm of the breath.

  • 1.1 Mindfulness: Breath Awareness

Practice 2: Gentle Strength, Soft Power

Exploring the strengthening poses of the Pregnancy Yoga pantheon with a sense of ease and softness.

  • 2.1 Mindfulness: Present Moment Awareness

Practice 3: Open Your Body, Open Your Mind

Gently Encouraging flexibility and spaciousness in the shoulders and the hips and expansion in the pelvis in preparation for childbirth.

  • 3.1 Mindfulness: Acceptance

Practice 4: Support and Yield 

This chair-based yoga practice creates a dynamic yoga flow that incorporates positions and movements that can be used during labour to facilitate progress and encourage descent.

  • 4.1 Mindfulness: Letting Go

Practice 5: The Birth Dance

Encouraging you to move freely and trust your body, this class culminates in a. liberating and energising birth dance.

  • 5.1 Mindfulness: Connection and Wholeness

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Becoming Mother With Yoga & Mindfulness

    • Practice 1. Flowing With the Breath (47min) - Establishing the practice of moving the body in harmony with the natural rhythm of the breath.

    • Practice 2. Gentle Strength, Soft Power (46min) - Exploring the strengthening poses of the Pregnancy Yoga pantheon with a sense of ease and softness.

    • Practice 3. Open Your Body, Open Your Mind (53min) - Gently Encouraging flexibility and spaciousness in the shoulders and the hips and expansion in the pelvis in preparation for childbirth.

    • Practice 4. Support and Yield (39min) - This chair-based yoga practice creates a dynamic yoga flow that incorporates positions and movements that can be used during labour to facilitate progress and encourage descent.

    • Practice 5. The Birth Dance (41min) - Encouraging you to move freely and trust your body, this class culminates in a. liberating and energising birth dance.

About the instructor

Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher, Birth Doula

Nadia Rafaat

This is the instructor section. You can use this space to tell and show your students who you are and why you're the perfect person to teach the course you're offering. You can talk about your work and education history, and really anything else that shows off who you are so your students get excited about learning from you. You're the expert after all, this is your chance to shine!

Join the course today.

Discover the incredible benefits of Yoga & Mindfulness this pregnancy

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